Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29, 2010

Only a few days left until May! And that means: piano recital, Builder's Olympics, Speech and Debate tournament, Full-year Portfolio due, book report for Social Studies due, Mother's Day... Ugh. 

Looks like the month ahead will be a busy one for me. Good thing I already got most of the boat done for Builder's Olympics. I'm fairly well prepared for the piano recital. Speech and Debate... well, that's the least of my priorities right now, I must admit. And we have STAR testing this week and next week. As the French say, "Zut alors!" 

I'd write more because I think I have plenty to say, but since it's quite late and I should be writing my novel, and since I have testing tomorrow, I'd better stop here.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

I finally finished my cardboard boat today! Dad helped me patch it up and seal it. It's ready for the boat float on May 14, which is good since I still have a bunch of projects that I should be working on instead of being on Blogger. Oh well. The novel's coming along fairly decently, but I still need to finish reading The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane for a book report. We start STAR testing on Monday. Not much time left until promotion and then high school...

Oh, before I forget, yesterday was Junior Prom. That has nothing to do with me, but just thought you ought to know.

Okay, it's time for me to be working on my novel. Pip-pip cheerio! ♥


Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010

I don't seem to be going on blogger a lot. Anyways, not much going on. Besides, who reads these blogs anyways? I might be wasting my time. But who cares, I like to write nonsense anyways ;-)

This week hasn't been a good one for me... I had a cold, a bad cough, and just today I forgot to bring an assigned poster to school to turn in. I'm just glad it's Friday at last. TGIF (Thank goodness it's Friday)!

Okay, since there's nothing to report now I'll be back a few months later. Until then, take care.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26, 2009

I'm totally exhausted! I had a tennis lesson at noon which sapped up a lot of my energy, ate lunch from Burger King, and watched the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie. There was a college football game on TV between Iowa and Penn State, and for the seventh time Penn State was upset by Iowa. Now I'm super tired because I've been on the computer for too long and I want to sleep even though it's not too late. I'll just end my post here.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22, 2009

Played tennis tonight. Haven't played for a week, and practiced with my brother. He hasn't played for about three months, but he hasn't forgotten how to play.

Last night, after school, I went to the dermatologist to get a mole on my right arm investigated. The dermatologist just removed it and he sent it to the pathologist to check if there's cancer. After that appointment, I went to my friends' house (they're twins) along with four others. We had tons of fun playing Mafia and dressing up in Indian style dresses (the dresses are really pretty). I didn't get home until about 10pm. Their mom said that we should get together more and I can say that I totally agree. We might go to the promotion dance in June as well as the Great America trip. We'll see.

Other than that, no new developments and keep you posted.

August 20, 2009

What a week! Loving school so far! Have plenty of friends in my classes and have made a couple of new ones too. It feels very weird being among the oldest people at the school...

One of my good friends and I went to the classroom of our last year's core teacher after school and met up with him AND our current L.A. teacher. They're both good friends and even look somewhat alike from behind. Before we went to visit them, though, my friend came up with an interesting theory that if you walk in a completely straight line towards a group of people walking the opposite direction as you then they will all move out of the way for you. I tell you, she has a very interesting but brilliant mind.

So far the teachers have been pretty light with the homework so far, even though today was only the fourth day. Normally by now we'd be stacked upon with papers to do already, but guess the teachers aren't ready for school either. We've had to have papers signed and turned in. The only quiz we've had so far was in science, when we were tested on safety.

More when it comes,